
♤ Bud-flowering(Knospenblüher), crimson(H13), buds to 5mm long, 2mm across;calyx rose-pink(H7); IX-XII; foliage: dark green, with mid-green new growth; habit: to 30cm×25cm after 3years (pruned). Buds redder than those of ‘Rosita’.

Origins: a sport on ‘Rosita’, found in autumn 2010, byArmin Klose, Sandkrug-Hatten, Germany.

® C.2013:01 registered on 17 March 2013 by K. Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany.

Description in Supplement XIV (2014), Heathers 11: 68 is erroneous: the description above is correct.