Erica x vanleuvenii


Dark Star

Evergreen, upright, bushy shrub;  to 0.5m tall (depending on pruning regime).

Foliage dark brown-green, young growth tinged dark red.

Leaves linear,  to 6mm, <0.5mm broad.

Flowers white, buds dull red; tubular, to 5mm long; in raceme-like clusters, florets in threes or in pairs; style becoming emergent, + straight; style-end tinged red; ovary + cylindrical, c. 2.5mm long, glabrous; seed not formed; calyx lobes 4, rarely two dorsal lobes fused; stamens 8, included; filaments with sigmoid bend below anther; anthers dark red, with amber awns; pollen not formed; nectar evident in base of corolla but no conspicuous nectary ring.


The foliage of Erica x vanleuvenii is much finer than in the parent heathers. 

Unlike clones of other hybrid heaths, ‘Dark Star’ does not have the colourful (discoloured) young shoots ("spring tips").

Erica x mercatoris



Flowers rose-pink (H7) to heliotrope (H12) in terminal racemes, 20–30 per cluster; IV:VI and often also IX;XI; foliage dark green almost spirally arranged or in disarticulated whorls of 3 or 4; habit upright; height 30cm; spread 30cm. Another (nursery code 04-59-6) of the seedlings raised by Kurt Kramer in 2004 from unnamed “pink” seedling of Erica manipuliflora deliberately pollinated by an unnamed “crimson” seedling of Erica spiculifolia. This name is chosen as the German equivalent of carillon, a musical instrument comprising a collection of at least 23 bells. ® DME 2018–05: Registered 29 September 2018, by E C Nelson, England. See The June 2019 RHS publication The Plantsman for more details.

Erica x stuartii


'Mysterious Colleen'

Flowers in terminal umbel; VI-X; corolla white; ovary pale green, cylindrical, with uneven covering (mainly around upper part) of short hairs; anthers pale tan, with prominent awns; nectary ring green; habit bushy, low-growing heather, with pronounced tendency to produce "discoloured" (yellow) branchlets that gradually turn green; retains yellow (dis)colouring into late summer; long cilia (hairs) on margins of leaves and sepals usually not gland-tipped. This is only the second clone of Praeger's heath known to have white flowers (see Heathers 9: 76 (2012); Ericultura 163: 14 (2011)). The origin of this clone is not known. It has been grown in Connemara by Susie and Alan Kay from material given to Susie Kay by Dr John Griffiths, and in Norfolk by Dr E. C. Nelson. ® DME 2018-04 registered on 26 August 2018 by Susie Kay.

Erica verticillata


'Dresden' (=Erica verticillata)

Bushy, medium-sized, erect shrub growing to an average height of 1.6m, but old specimens may reach up to 1.8m tall; 1-1.5m broad. The flowers are medium to dark pink (darker pink than ‘Tresco’ lighter than ‘Adonis’), tubular, 15mm long, 3mm diameter; umbellately arranged (3, mainly 4 flowered), on very short (3mm) lateral branches arising from the main stem, arranged in dense, whorled, pseudo-racemes below the ends of flowering branches. (Normally 3, occasionally 4 verticels per synflorescence) The external morphology of the Dresden form is marginally different from the other Erica verticillata forms. The flowers are smaller and more congested, verticels fewer; non-flowering lateral branches are less ordered, normally arranged in single whorls or dispersed up the main stems and only a few are arranged in whorls of three (3-5) on the upper third of the stems. Origins: This specimen comes from a small market garden nursery, Heidegartnerei Grunberg in Dresden, specializing in Erica. It is recorded at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens with the accession number, 14/2012 and cultivar ‘Dresden’. Herr Hemut Heidl bought it at a market in Berlin many years ago when Dresden was in East Germany. Cuttings were donated by Helmut Heidl GbR Wasserschwenden 3.87452 Altusried / Krugzell.Fax 0049 (0) 8374 - 23435 Landowner: N/A: Mail: [email protected]. Landowner org: Heidegartnerei Grunberg. Landowner ph: 49 (03523) 71130 ® E.2018:01 registered on 10 April 2018 by Anthony Hitchcock Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens Nursery, Living Collections and Threatened Species Manager  

Erica australis


'Polar Express'

Flowers single, in groups of four at tips of shoots, flowering shoots very densely crowded towards ends of branches; corolla c. 9mm long, white, slightly curved, widening towards mouth; calyx segments unequal, with broad translucent margins and pale green mid-rib, lobes c. 3mm long, c. 1.5mm broad; anthers brown; style to 9mm long prominently emerging from corolla, style end green when fresh; nectar profuse; IV-VI; foliage deep green; linear leaves to 6mm long; habit compact bushy shrub to 0.9m tall, to 1m across in 3 years (not pruned). Seedling 05-2-20 raised by K. Kramer in 2005, F2 seedling of self-pollinated 'Mr Robert'. Selected  and named by David Edge in 2016 after cultivation in Forest Edge Nurseries. Hardier than other clones of E. australis having survived a frost test as a seedling in Germany. Distinguished from 'Mr Robert' and 'Holehird White' by green style end. ® E.2016:07: registered on 21 December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.

Erica carnea



Flowers salmon (H15) without any trace of blue, single, larger than normal; II-IV; foliage dark green; habit broad, erect shrub to 30cm tall, 35cm across after 3 years. Seedling raised and selected by Kurt Kramer in 2010. ® E.2016:01 Registered on 18th February 2016 by Kurt Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany.


Flowers single, small, crowded on shoot tips in dense spike; corolla c. 5mm long, rose pink (H7); calyx paler, lobes to 2.5mm long; anthers dark; I-IV; foliage “lemon yellow” throughout the year (RHSCC 145A Yellow-green group: plant from shadehouse in December); leaves to 10mm long; habit compact shrub to 15cm tall, 25 cm across in 3 years (not pruned). Sport on ‘Saskia’ found by David Edge in 2015 at Forest Edge Nurseries. Named by David Edge after his daughter-in-law, mother of Saskia. ® E.2016:04 Registered on 7th of December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.


Flowers variously malformed, in unevenly spaced, loose spike; axillary clusters of 1–3 relatively large flowers widely spaced; corolla white c. 6mm long, apex splitting unevenly (often not into 4 lobes); calyx lobes 4 (rarely 5), white, petal-like, to 5mm long, c. 1–1.5mm wide, exceeding the corolla especially before anthesis; stamens 8 (rarely 9–11), often malformed and contorted; anthers tan; style may be malformed and contorted, or straight; ovary green: I-V; foliage mid-green throughout the year, leaves relatively broad, c. 10mm × c. 2mm, whorls widely spaced; habit bushy, low-growing heather; to 20cm tall, to 35 cm across (not pruned) in 3 years. Seedling found at Forest Edge Nursery by David Edge, in 2014. ® E.2016:05 Registered on 5th December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.

Erica mackayana


'Susie's Blush'

Buds relatively long and narrow, slightly curved; corolla white at base flushed pale pink towards tip (deeper pink in bud); style tip dark red; anthers brown (darker than ‘Shining Light’). Flowers: (June) July–September in cultivation. Bushy heather which responds well to pruning, with vigorous upright shoots to 0.35m tall, to 0.5m across (after 8 years in cultivation; pruned); leaves densely and evenly arranged on shoots, bright green, paler than ‘Shining Light’; marginal cilia may be gland-tipped. A selection from wild plants growing near Cabo de Peñas, Asturias, northern Spain, noticed by members of The Heather Society during a field trip in 2007. Named as a compliment to Susie Kay, Conference Manager of The Heather Society, in whose Connemara garden it has been grown, and who has propagated it. ® E.2016:02 registered by The Heather Society.

Erica x factitia


'Johannes van Leuven’

Flowers white; XII-II; calyx white with greenish tips; style slightly emergent, tinged pink or green at apex; anthers with vestigial spurs reduced to a tuft of minute hairs. Foliage bright green, with pale salmon-pink new growth.



'Heidedorf Lüllingen'

Flowers white; malformed style-end noticeably crooked; stamens with sigmoid bend towards apex of filament; anthers without any visible awns (not even a tuft of spicules). Some flower bud aborted. Deliberately raised seedling from E. lusitanica × E. carnea ‘Winterfreude’, cross made by Johannes van Leuven in 2012; clone 7. ® E.2016:08. Registered on 29th December 2016 by Johannes van Leuven (Geldern, Germany).

Erica cinerea


'Creepy Crawly'

Flowers purple, single; VI-IX; foliage mid-green; habit trailing, creeping or weeping with stems grow flat on ground or descending; height 3cm; spread 35cm after 3 years forming a mat on level ground. Wild-collected from an exposed  coastal location in southwestern England in July 2007 by David Edge: has "novel habit with its green foliage and trailing, weeping" stems. Published; URL (posted 24 October 2015). ® E.2015.03 registered on 21 October 2015 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Verwood Road, Woodlands, Wimborne, Dorset.