‘Harry Wood’ (=Erica verticillata)

Medium-sized, erect shrub, to an average height of 1.0–1.2m, to 0.6m broad. Flowers light pink, tubular, 20mm long, 4mm diameter, arranged in terminal 4-flowered or occasionally 5-flowered umbels, on very short lateral branches arranged in whorls. Synflorescences neat, spike-like, each with up to 6 whorls of flowering branches, on strong, erect main branches; terminal apex of the stem continuing growth. Non-flowering lateral branches on the main flowering stems to 4–5cm long, in whorls of 5 or occasionally spirally arranged. Foliage dark green, leaves to 5mm long. Seed produced. Similar to ‘Doctor Violet Gray’ (accession number 548/06)

Origins: accession number 657/06 received from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (accession number 1961-9001). Harry Wood, Curator of the Fernkloof Nature Reserve, Hermanus, sent seed to Kew in 1961.

Being of South African origin the plant is not regarded as hardy in the UK and is preferably grown in a pot, using ericaceous compost, and brought into a frost free, light and airy environment during the winter months.

® E.2012:10  registered by Anthony Hitchcock, Nursery, Plant Collections & Threatened Species Program Manager Kirstenbosch National Botanic Garden.