
Flowers pale rose; VII-IX; foliage small light green leaves. Found by H.H. Ballantyne of Netherfeld, near Dumfries in a friends garden before 1991.


Red flowers with green calyx; VI-X; dark green foliage; broad, upright habit. A result of deliberate breeding by Kurt Kramer, this cultivar promises to be better than all other ‘red’ Daboecia.


Flowers the same colour as ‘Amelie‘ (red); VIII-X; foliage dark green; habit extremely upright, taut; height 50cm; spread 40cm after 2 years.

Selected by Johannes van Leuven in August 2007 from 15,000 seedlings.

Named, with her consent, after the actress Andrea Sawatzki.

® D.2009:02 registered on 19 August 2009 by Johannes van Leuven, Geldem-Lullingen, Germany.


Corolla ruby (H5); VI-X; foliage mid-green; habit upright; height 30cm; spread 25cm after 2 years (pruned).

Deliberately raised cross by Kurt Kramer, made in 2005 between unnamed seedlings, selected in 2010. More floriferous than ‘Amelie’.

® D.2013:02 registered on 17 March 2013 by K. Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany.

‘Annika’ {Irish Princess®}

Flowers pink; VII-X; foliage light green; habit broadly upright; height to 50cm; spread to 50cm after 4 years (pruned). More vigorous than ‘Rosella’ with flowers in loose spike. Deliberately raised seedling by Johannes van Leuven, selected in September 2013; from an unnamed seedling × Maja.
Registered on 13 July 2015 by Johannes van Leuven, Ilmenweg 39, 47608 Geldern, Germany. ® D.2015:02.


Corolla ruby (H5); VI-X; foliage mid-green; habit upright; height 30cm; spread 25cm after 2 years (pruned).

Deliberately raised cross by Kurt Kramer, made in 2005 between unnamed seedlings, selected in 2010. More floriferous than ‘Amelie’.

® D.2013:03 registered on 17 March 2013 by K. Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany.


Large, glowing magenta (H14) flowers; VII-X; dark green foliage; compact robust upright habit; height 26-30cm; spread 46-60cm. The flowers are larger than ‘Waley’s Red‘ and slightly darker particularly near the base of the corolla.

Seedling; raised, selected and introduced by Kurt Kramer (Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany); introduced in 1995. Clone DAB 1; submitted for plant breeders’ rights in Germany on 21 July 1994.

A fantasy name.


Deep purple (H10) flowers; VI-X; dark green glossy foliage; height 31-45cm; spread 61-75cm. There is more than one clone sold under this name.

‘Barneveld’s Glorie’

Flowers single; corolla Purple Violet 81A; calyx Greyed Purple 184B; VII-X; foliage summer: yellow-green 153 A; winter: red-brown discoloration 178 A; habit “wide-erect“, especially the yellow foliage in contrast with the dark flower. the young foliage is yellow with bronze-colored growing tips.

Chance seedling; found in July 2002 by G. van Hoef; Found as a seedling in a pot with Daboecia x scoticaBearsden‘.

® D.2006:01 registered on 20 March 2006 by G. van Hoef, Barneveld, The Netherlands.


White and beetroot (H9) flowers, some striped, often found on the same stem; V!-XI; mid-green foliage; height 31-45cm; spread 61-75cm.

No history has been traced; as Menziesia polifolia variicolor, it was cultivated by Waterer as early as 1874.

Named from bicolor = two-coloured.


Clear rose-pink (H7) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; Compact spreading habit; height 31-45cm; spread 46-60cm.


Very large pink bells; VI-X; dark green foliage; open spreading habit; height 26-30cm; spread 46-60cm. Similar to ‘Cupido‘ but the flowers are larger.

Seedling; raised by Don Richards (Rydal Mount, Eskdale, Cumbria, England).

Name is an allusion to the flower shape.

‘Celtic Flame’

Flowers single, heliotrope; IX-XI; foliage small, dark green; habit spreading. Introduced by private circulation by David McLaughlin, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland , by 1995. This flowers well, even as a small plant, and is a nice contrast with one of David McLaughlin’s other cultivars, ‘Celtic Snow‘.

‘Celtic Star’

Pale lavender flowers with distinctive cerise, fleshy petaloid sepals; VII-IX; dark green foliage and an open, spreading habit; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm. Very unusual.

Found on Errislannan Peninsula, south of Clifden, County Galway, Ireland.


Deep ruby (H5) globose flowers with beetroot pedicels and sepals; VI-X; dark green foliage; open erect habit ; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm. A seedling found by John Gilbert in his garden (Chaldon, Caterham, Surrey, England) which has, perhaps, the darkest flowers in this species. Registered 31 October 1998: J. Gilbert, 17 Heathway, Chaldon, Caterham, Surrey CR3 5DN, England.

‘Charles Nelson’

Globular mauve (H2) flowers – the first flowers of the season open single but later ones are double and do not drop off when finished; VI-X; mid-green foliage; open sprawling habit; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm.

A fascinating plant, found by Dr Charles Nelson at Carna, Co. Galway, Ireland.

Named after the finder.


Cerise (H6) flowers; VII-X; dark green foliage; neat, low,compact habit; height 21-25cm; spread 31-45cm.


White to pale shell pink (H16) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm. Sport from ‘Bicolor‘ to which it may revert.

Sport; found and introduced in 1970 by P. G. Zwijnenburg (Boskoop, Netherlands).

The name has no special connotation.


Amethyst flowers; VI-IX; lime-green foliage; open, spreading habit; height 31-45cm; spread 61-75cm. From Cleggan, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland.


Crimson (H13) flowers; VI-IX; dark green foliage; semi-prostrate habit; height 30cm; spread 50cm. Found by Mr & Mrs David McLaughlin (Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland) at Clifden Bay, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland, in 1986.


Smoky pale crimson (H13) corollas are split into segments; VI-X; dark green foliage; spreading habit; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm.

An intriguing and attractive curiosity.


Pale magenta flowers; VI-X; bright green foliage; semi-prostrate habit; height 26-30cm; spread 46-60cm.

Chance seedling from ‘Praegerae’; found at the nursery of, and introduced by P. Bakhuyzen & Zonen (Boskoop, Netherlands); a few plants were initially released under the name ‘Praegerae Select’ in 1975; named ‘Cupido’ in 1978.

‘Donard Pink’

Pale shell pink (H16) flowers; VI-XI; mid-green foliage; height 31-45cm; spread 31-45cm. Tends to flower for longer than many other St Dabeoc’s heaths. A sport from ‘Bicolor‘ to which it may revert.

‘Eskdale Baron’

Cerise (H6) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; spreading habit; height 31-45cm; spread 46-60cm.

Seedling; raised by Don Richards (Rydal Mount, Eskdale, Cumbria, England) about 1970; introduced by G. Yates (Ambleside, Cumbria).

Named after the place where Don Richards lived.

‘Eskdale Blea’

Lavender (H3) flowers; VII-IX; glossy mid-green foliage; vigorous, open, very erect habit; height 31-45cm; spread 61-75cm.

Seedling; raised by Don Richards (Rydal Mount, Eskdale, Cumbria, England) about 1970; introduced by G. Yates (Ambleside, Cumbria).

Named after the place where Don Richards lives.

‘Eskdale Blonde’

Mauve (H2) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; spreading habit; height 26-30cm; spread 61-75cm.

Seedling; raised by Don Richards (Rydal Mount, Eskdale, Cumbria, England) about 1970; introduced by G. Yates (Ambleside, Cumbria).

Named after the place where Don Richards lives.


Gleaming deep lavender (H3) flowers; VII-IX; glossy, dark green foliage; upright, compact habit; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm. Found by S. Ketelaar in his garden 1988, in Holland.

‘Globosa Pink’

Globose lilac pink (H11) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; vigorous, spreading habit; height 31-45cm; spread 61-75cm.

Named from globosus = globular. This name is a synonym of ‘Globosa’ (cf D. F. Maxwell & P. S. Patrick, The English heather garden, 165 (1966)) as applied by Daisy Hill Nursery.

‘Graceful Muxoll’

❁ Flowers “double”, all upwards-pointing on pedicels longer than corolla; corolla cylindrical, 11mm long, 5mm wide, deep H9 at the base, shading to H2/H12 at tip; inner petals white; flowers do not drop after fading; VII-X; Buds deep H9, develop to good size long before opening, adding very much to the floral display. Foliage: deep green. Habit: nearly upright, spikes a little arching: after 3 years, 25cm tall, 30cm across.

Deliberately raised and selected by Jens Kjaerbol; parent plants include ‘Charles Nelson‘ and ‘White Blum‘; other cultivars have also been used in production of double-flowered plants.

® D.2008:01 registered by Jens Kjærbøl, Bryrup, Denmark.


Similar to ‘Bicolor‘ with white, pale pink (H8), pale purple (H10) and even striped flowers on the same stem; VII-X; dark green foliage; height 26-30cm; spread 46-60cm.

Seedling probably from ‘Bicolor; found by J. B. A. Dekker (Mijdrecht, Netherlands); introduced in 1975 by P. G. Zwijnenburg (Boskoop, Netherlands).

‘Heather Yates’

Amethyst (H1) flowers; VIII-XII; dark green foliage; compact, neat and long flowering; height 16-20cm; spread 31-45cm.

Seedling; raised about 1973, named and introduced in 1977 by Geoff Yates (Tabramhill Gardens, Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, England).

Named after his daughter.


Amethyst (H1) buds opening to lavender (H3) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; broad,erect habit; height 31-45cm; spread 46-60cm.

‘Hookstone Purple’

Large amethyst (H1) flowers; V-XI; mid-green foliage; tall; height 31-45cm; spread 75-100cm. Useful for tall ground cover; blossoms for a long period (May to November).

Introduced by Underwood’s Nursery at Hookstone Green, Surrey, England.

Named after the Underwoods’ nursery, and the flower colour.

‘Irish Shine’

Amethyst flowers; VII-XI; dark green, glossy foliage; erect habit. A chance seedling found by S. Ketelaar during summer 1994 in a garden at Nieuwegein, Netherlands. So named because it is an “Irish” heath with glossy leaves.

‘Johnny Boy’

Heliotrope (H12) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; broad spreading to erect habit becoming very tall. A chance seedling found by Jos Flecken in 1998 in his garden at Kerkrade, Netherlands; named after John Doveren, his son-in-law, who is married to Colette Flecken after whom Calluna vulgarisColette was named. Registered on 1 October 2002 by J. Flecken.

‘Lilac Osmond’

Large pale lavender (H3) flowers; VII-XI; mid-green foliage; height 31-45cm; spread 61-75cm.

Introduced by G. Osmond, Archfield Nursery, Wickwar, Wooton under Edge, Gloucestershire, England, before 1969.


Shell-pink (H16) flowers, corolla 20 mm × 11 mm; calyx dull reddish green; VII-IX; foliage dark green; habit upright-growing shrub; height 50cm; spread 50cm in 5 years (not pruned).

Chance seedling found in July 2011 at Johannes van Leuven’s nursery in Geldern. To be introduced in 2013.

® D.2012:01 registered on 2012 by J. van Leuven, Geldern, Germany.

‘Pink Blum’

Heliotrope (H12) flowers; VII-X; dark green foliage; open untidy habit; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm.

‘Pink Lady’

Pale shell-pink (H16) flowers; VII-IX; mid-green foliage; rather open habit; height 31-45cm; spread 31-45cm. Similar to ‘Donard Pink‘; a sport from ‘Harlequin‘.

‘Pink Lips’

Flowers pink turning white, the lobes at the tip of the corolla turn pink as the white flower matures. After a while, maybe four or five weeks, the pink colour starts to fade away. In new flowers, the pink in the corolla is very light and does not last long after the corolla opens; V-VIII; foliage bright green; height 60cm; spread 35cm.

Circulating in the Seattle area (USA) for a number of years; acquired by Art Dome (Seattle, USA) at a horticultural group meeting;

Registered 11 November 1998: A.P Dome, 4832 54* Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98119-1517, USA.

Name alludes to the colour of the lobes of the corolla.

‘Pink Tina’

Flowers “lachsrosa”, VII-X; foliage green; habit broadly upright, to 50cm tall, 50cm spread after 4 years (pruned).

Sport on ‘Tina’ found by Johannes van Leuven, in July 2013.

® D.2016:03. Registered on 29th december 2016 by Johannes van Leuven (Geldern, Germany).

‘Pinky Perky’

Flowers facing upwards, cerise (H6), on upright sweeping branches; VI-IX; foliage mid-green throughout year; habit: upright, sweeping shrub, to 35cm tall, to 35cm across in 3 years (not pruned).

Flower colour unique in D. cantabrica f. blumii.

Garden seedling found by David Edge in 2013 at Forest Edge Nurseries.

Named by David Edge.

® D.2016:01 Registered on 7th December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.


Large pale mauve (H2) flowers; VIII-XI; light greyish green foliage; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm. An old selection well over 100 years old.

‘Porter’s Variety’

Small, tubular, dark beetroot (H9) flowers; V-IX; dark green foliage; neat bushy habit; height 26-30cm; spread 26-30cm. More of a curiosity than a garden-worthy plant.


Glowing deep cerise (H6) flowers; VI-X; mid-green foliage; height 31-45cm; spread 61-75cm. Tends to shed most of its leaves in winter when it can look rather drab.

Wild-collected; found by Mrs Hedi Praeger in Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland in 1938; propagated at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin whence it was distributed after 1941 (under various names e.g. Dr Praeger, Praeger’s Var.) to Irish nurseries.

Named after Mrs Hedi Praeger, wife of Dr Robert Ll. Praeger (who was commemorated in Erica x praegeri [now E. x stuartii])..

‘Purple Blum’

Purple flowers; VII-X; foliage dark green; habit erect; height 26-30cm; spread 31-45cm. A chance seedling found in 1983 by H. M. J. Blum, Steenwijkerwold, Netherlands. Named from the flower colour and the finder’s surname. Registered on 39 October 2002 by J. G. Flecken and G. van Hoef.


Long racemes of bright purple (H10) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; height 31-45cm; spread 61-75cm. Similar to ‘Atropurpurea’.

Probably based on Menziesia polifolia var. purpurea, listed by James Booth & Son (Flottbeck Nursery), Hamburg as early as 1830 (see Loudon 1838).

Named from purpureus = purple.


Deep purple (H10) flowers; VI-X; foliage variegated with green, gold, bronze and red tips; height 46-60cm; spread 61-75cm.

Sport from ‘Atropurpurea’, introduced by P. Lloyd (Fordingbridge, Hampshire, England) in 1966.

Name is an allusion to the multi-coloured foliage.

‘Ramona’ {Irish Princess®}

Flowers violet; VII-X; foliage light green; habit broadly upright; height to 50cm; spread to 50cm after 4 years (pruned). More vigorous than ‘Vanessa’ with flowers in loose spike.
Deliberately raised seedling by Johannes van Leuven, selected in September 2013. Registered on 13 July 2015 by Johannes van Leuven, Ilmenweg 39, 47608 Geldern, Germany. ® D.2015:03.


Corolla lavender (H3); VI-X; foliage mid-green; habit upright; height 30cm; spread 25cm after 2 years (pruned).

Deliberately raised cross by Kurt Kramer, made in 2005 between unnamed seedlings, selected in 2010. More floriferous than ‘Vanessa’.

® D.2013:04 registered on 17 March 2013 by K. Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany.


Whitish pink flowers; VI-X; bright green foliage; upright habit; height 31-45cm; spread 46-60cm. A sport from ‘Alba Globosa’.

‘Romantic Muxoll’

❁ Flowers “double”, corolla urn-shaped, 13mm long, 9mm wide, rose-pink (H7); sepals brown; 80% of flowers drop after fading; VI-X; foliage mid-green; habit spreading, but compact: height 30cm; spread 40cm after 4 years.

Deliberately raised seedling; parents include ‘Charles Nelson’ and ‘White Blum’.

The name Muxoll is the family name of the raiser’s mother.

® D.2010:01 registered on 31 July 2010 by Jens Kjærbøl, Bryrup, Denmark.


Pale beetroot (H9) flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; height 31-45cm; spread 46-60cm. Although ‘Rosea’ as available at present is a single clone, the name was used in the past to indicate any plant with rose-pink flowers.


Corolla shell-pink (H16) (without blue); VI-X; foliage mid-green; habit upright; height 30cm; spread 25cm after 2 years (pruned).

Deliberately raised cross by Kurt Kramer, made in 2005 between unnamed seedlings, selected in 2010.

® D.2013:01 registered on 17 March 2013 by K. Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany.


Deep purple flowers; VI-X; dark green foliage; semi-prostrate habit; height 16-20cm; spread 31-45cm.

‘Sid Brown’

Flowers mauve (H2), calyx beetroot (H9); V-IXr; foliage dark green, small, fine; habit compact, dwarf, to 30cm tall (after 5 years).

Chance seedling at Champs Hill, Pulborough, Sussex, found in 1999.

Named after Sid Brown, gardener at Champs Hill; named by Mrs C. M. Bowerman.

® D.2004:01 registered 28 October 2004 by Mrs C. M. Bowerman, Champs Hill, Pulborough

‘Sun Seeker’

Flowers single, purple (H10) relatively few; V-IX; foliage pale “golden-yellow” (RHS CC 144A-B, Yellow-green Group: plant from shade-house in December), brightest in summer; leaves crowded on shoots; more or less glabrous with a few very small, gland-tipped hairs above, oval to obovate, to 8 × 6mm, acute, felted and silvery underneath; larger thanGolden Imp; habit bushy, upright shrub, to 30cm tall, 35 cm across after 3 years (not pruned).

Garden seedling found by David Edge in 2014 at Forest Edge Nurseries.

Named by David Edge.

® D.2016:02 Registered on 7th December 2016 by David Edge, Forest Edge Nurseries, Wimborne, Dorset.

‘Tina’ {Irish Princess®}

Flowers red; VII-X; foliage light green; habit broadly upright; height to 50cm; spread 50cm after 4 years (pruned). Deliberately raised seedling by Johannes van Leuven, selected in September 2013.

Registered on 13 July 2015 by Johannes van Leuven, Ilmenweg 39, 47608 Geldern, Germany.® D.2015:01. Named after his future daughter-in-law, Christina Schönmakers.


Rose-pink flowers; VI-X; mid-green foliage; low, compact habit. A seedling from Clive Benson’s nursery, near Leyland, Lancashire.


Flowers held erect at anthesis, urn-shaped, 8-1 0mm diameter, H12 (heliotrope); calyx dark red/ green; VII-X/XI; foliage green; habit broad erect, after 5 years (pruned) 30cm x 30cm. The erect flowers are of a colour that is more attractive than ‘Pink Blum‘.
A chance seedling found in 2001 in his garden, and selected by Jos Flecken.

Named by Jos Flecken after his grandchildren: Valerie, Vincent and Sander Palmen.

® D.2007:01 registered 4 September 2007 by by Jos Flecken, Kerkrade, Netherlands.


Flowers single; corolla violet; calyx green; VI-VIII; foliage dark green; habit upright.

Deliberately raised seedling, selected by Kurt Kramer in 1999. Registered on 8 July 2003 by Kurt Kramer

‘Waley’s Red’

Glowing deep magenta (H14) flowers with a slight trace of blue; VI-X; mid-green foliage; height 31-45cm; spread 46-60cm. A better plant than ‘Praegerae‘ but the colour is not quite as good. Collected in Spain by F. R. Waley, Sevenoaks, Kent, England.


Magenta (H14) flowers; VI-X; mid-green foliage; broad spreading habit; height 31-45cm; spread 31-45cm. Less vigorous than ‘Waley’s Red‘ which it resembles.